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My Practice

In recent years, there’s been a great deal of innovation in mental health. Thankfully, therapy is more accepted and accessible than ever, and modalities informed by neuroscience provide us with insights into human behavior that were previously unavailable. With social media and self-development trends, younger generations are highly self-aware and they don’t necessarily need the same forms of therapy that have served prior generations. In creating my practice, I set out to work differently, offering new modes of experiencing and delivering therapy, from a casual office environment to extended sessions and collaborative group therapy.

Katie Dillingham in a grassy field

Katie Dillingham

Licensed Professional Counselor
Texas license #69649

I’ve been a licensed professional counselor since 2015. I completed my BS in psychology at Texas A&M University and earned my master’s degree in counseling psychology from St. Edward’s University in Austin. I started my career working with individual adults and teens in counseling centers, including Capital Area Counseling, Plumeria Counseling Center, IPNB of Austin and Communities In Schools, before opening my own practice. My specialized training includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), internal family systems training, interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) and Relational Life Therapy training with the Relational Life Institute. I’m fortunate to have had Juliane Taylor Shore, one of the foremost practitioners of IPNB, as my clinical supervisor and mentor.

As a therapist, I’m known for being open and honest, compassionate and straightforward. As a voracious reader, I love diving into the research and translating academic findings into relatable tools and techniques that allow us to improve our everyday lives. I also have a creative side, and I enjoy helping clients access their creativity and integrate it into their lives in a way that enhances their well-being and promotes balance. In my own experience, I’ve witnessed how the power of structure, in the form of therapy, allows us to sit more comfortably with uncertainty, while providing the framework for personal expansion and transformation.

my core values

I believe therapy isn’t about fixing you. It’s about helping you understand your actions and options so that you have a choice to make changes that feel right and promote your sense of well-being. I deeply believe that all people want to be met with openness and compassion. In my work, I believe in providing a judgment-free environment, so that my clients have the space to create change and experience greater personal freedom and fulfillment.

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